Thane: An 80-year-old woman from Maharashtra’s Ahmednagar district, who went missing three decades ago, has been reunited with her family thanks to the efforts of staff at Thane Mental Hospital, officials reported on Wednesday.
The woman’s disappearance followed the tragic death of her 13-year-old son, who was killed by an electric shock while climbing a tamarind tree.
Grieving deeply, she left her home in a distressed state and vanished. According to Dr. Netaji Mulik, the superintendent of Thane Mental Hospital, she eventually ended up in Nashik, where she wandered for years in the Panchvati area.
Two years ago, the Nashik police found her in a poor physical and mental state. Realizing she had memory loss, they transferred her to Thane Mental Hospital for care.
The medical team there provided extensive treatment, and as her condition improved, efforts to identify her and locate her family began.
The process proved difficult as the woman’s memories were fragmented, but gradually, hospital staff gathered enough clues about her hometown and contacted authorities in Ahmednagar, located about 250 km away.
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Eventually, her relatives were traced.
On January 17, her family—including her daughter-in-law, cousins, and nephews—visited the hospital and met her for the first time in three decades.
The family expressed their deep gratitude for the hospital team’s dedication and care. The woman was later taken back to Ahmednagar.
Dr. Mulik expressed his joy, saying, “Seeing the family reunited is the greatest reward for us.”