Chief Minister Manik Saha on Thursday inspected a plot of land in Mumbai, proposed for the construction of the Tripura Bhavan, a facility aimed at addressing the needs of Tripura residents, including those seeking medical treatment in the city.
Announcing the development, Saha highlighted the significance of the initiative, stating that the state currently lacks a dedicated facility in Mumbai to assist its people.
“The state cabinet approved the plan to establish a Tripura Bhavan and acquire suitable land for it. During my visit to attend the oath-taking ceremony of Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, I took the opportunity to inspect the site,” he shared in a social media post.
The chief minister emphasized the strategic location of the proposed Bhavan, which is near Tata Cancer Hospital and accessible from two major roads.
“This location will ensure convenience for our people, particularly patients and their families,” he said, adding that other states, like Sikkim, are also developing similar facilities in the area.
Saha confirmed that Rs. 100 crore has been allocated for the project, with land acquisition already completed.
The Bhavan’s design is under review, with minor adjustments being made to optimize functionality and accessibility.
“This facility will serve as a vital resource for the people of Tripura, providing necessary support for those traveling to Mumbai for medical and other needs. It will be a long-term benefit for the state,” he said.
The project underscores Tripura’s commitment to improving infrastructure and resources for its citizens, marking a significant step toward supporting its diaspora in urban hubs like Mumbai.