The Jharkhand State Housing Board has launched an investigation against former India captain and Chennai Super Kings skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni for allegedly using a residential plot for commercial purposes at his Harmu Road residence.
The board has stated that utilizing residential land for non-residential purposes constitutes a violation of its regulations.
Board chairman Sanjay Lal Paswan affirmed that residential plots allocated by the board are exclusively designated for residential purposes, and any deviation from this prescribed use constitutes an illegal act.
Dhoni had been allotted five katah of land in the upscale Harmu Housing Colony by the Jharkhand government through a gift deed.
Previously a resident of Mecon Colony, he built a luxurious home on the plot but later relocated to a farmhouse in Simaliya on the outskirts of Ranchi to escape public and media attention.
The board has launched an investigation into reports that MS Dhoni is operating a diagnostic centre at his Harmu residence.
If it is confirmed that the residential land is being used commercially, strict action will follow.
Reports suggest that the diagnostic lab has been established at the older property, prompting the housing board to keep a close watch on the developments.
The housing board has already issued notices to approximately 300 property owners for similar violations of using residential plots for commercial purposes.
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The residential plot was awarded to Dhoni by the Jharkhand government during Arjun Munda’s tenure as Chief Minister, recognizing his stellar achievements in cricket.
The plot, measuring approximately 10,000 square feet, now hosts a lavish residence.