IMPHAL: On Thursday, Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh revealed plans for the newly recruited personnel of the 10th and 11th India Reserve Battalion (IRB), who recently completed their training in Assam, to undergo specialised instruction within the state.
The goal is to equip these recruits for key roles in strengthening law and order, as well as securing highways across the region.
While visiting the Manipur Police Training Centre at Pangei in Imphal East district, Singh outlined the next steps for the recruits, emphasising the importance of specialised training before they are deployed statewide.
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“These recruits will receive focused training here in Pangei, honing their skills to effectively handle law and order situations,” Singh said.
He explained that, rather than sending them to various police stations right away, the recruits will remain centralised to ensure high morale and be deployed strategically as required.
The chief minister also noted that some of the recruits would be assigned to protect highways, while others would be deployed to manage and address law and order issues across the state.
Singh went on to say that many existing police officers will undergo refresher courses to improve their physical readiness and crowd control capabilities.
New equipment for managing large groups and maintaining order will also be provided.
“Our police are the backbone of society, and it is essential that they remain motivated and well-equipped. We are committed to enhancing their capabilities through proper training and the latest gear,” he added.
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Work on upgrading the battalion headquarters of the 10th and 11th IRB at Nungba and Saivom is also progressing, with Singh reaffirming his administration’s focus on improving police infrastructure for optimal performance.
In a further appeal, the chief minister asked the recruits’ families to refrain from seeking transfers through political channels, urging the recruits to dedicate themselves fully to their service.
“We want to empower them to serve without external interference, contributing to the safety and stability of Manipur,” Singh stated.
Singh also posted on X (formerly Twitter) about his visit to the Police Training Centre, showcasing the newly constructed barracks that will soon be used for training.
He reiterated his government’s commitment to providing top-tier training facilities for police personnel to tackle any challenges.
In addition, the chief minister revealed that efforts are underway to build housing for internally displaced persons (IDPs), who are currently residing in schools and colleges, further emphasising the government’s dedication to addressing the needs of all communities within the state.