Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma on Thursday announced a significant cabinet expansion, set to take place on December 7. The reshuffle will see the induction of four new ministers, raising the total strength of the Council of Ministers to the maximum permissible limit of 20.
Taking to social media, the chief minister shared, “Happy to share that the following colleagues will be sworn in as ministers in our cabinet on 7th December at 12 PM: 1. Shri Prasanta Phookan, MLA; 2. Shri Kaushik Rai, MLA; 3. Shri Krishnendu Paul, MLA; and 4. Shri Rupesh Goala, MLA. My best wishes to each of them!”
The reshuffle is noteworthy for its focus on inclusive governance, with all the new appointees being BJP legislators. It marks an effort to address regional imbalances, particularly the underrepresentation of Assam’s Barak Valley, a region that has often expressed grievances over its marginalization in the state’s governance structure.
Currently, the Assam cabinet comprises 16 ministers, including the chief minister. With the addition of the four new ministers, the government aims to ensure better representation of various regions and communities within the state.
Notably, two of the four MLAs are from the Barak Valley.
Political analysts view this expansion as a strategic move by the chief minister to strengthen regional harmony and ensure that the voices of all areas, including Barak Valley, find a place in state-level decision-making.
The Barak Valley, home to a significant Bengali-speaking population, has long sought greater representation in the state’s administration.
The swearing-in ceremony is scheduled for December 7 at 12 pm. This development comes at a crucial juncture as the Sarma-led government continues its efforts to maintain political stability and address the aspirations of Assam’s diverse communities.
By including Prasanta Phookan, Kaushik Rai, Krishnendu Paul, and Rupesh Goala in the Council of Ministers, the government intends to bring fresh perspectives and energy to its administration.
The move is also seen as a reflection of the BJP’s confidence in these legislators’ ability to contribute meaningfully to governance.
The reshuffle underscores the chief minister’s commitment to inclusive governance while reinforcing the BJP’s strategy of consolidating its influence across Assam’s regions.
As the newly inducted ministers take office, their portfolios and responsibilities will be closely watched for their impact on the state’s developmental agenda.