New Delhi: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Thursday revealed that it had carried out searches in connection with a money laundering investigation involving alleged financial irregularities exceeding Rs 7 crore at Assam’s Kamakhya Temple’s former Debutter Board.
The raids were conducted on Wednesday at the residences of Riju Prasad Sarma, the former administrator of the now-dissolved Kamakhya Debutter Board, as well as late Dhiraj Sarma, Naba Kanta Sarma, and several other ex-officials of the board.
The ED’s action follows a case filed by the Assam Police CID, which accused the board’s officials of misappropriating Rs 7.62 crore in funds meant for managing the temple between 2003 and 2019.
The Debutter Board, responsible for the administration of the Kamakhya Temple, was dissolved in 2015 by a Supreme Court order.
According to the ED, the former board officials orchestrated the diversion of funds by creating “shell entities” for supplying goods and services like electrical items, cement, cleaning chemicals, and manpower.
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These funds were allegedly transferred to entities controlled by the officials or withdrawn as cash.
In an attempt to circumvent court restrictions on large expenditures without approval, the ED claims the officials intentionally split bills into smaller amounts to keep them under Rs 50,000.
During the raids, the ED seized insurance policies worth Rs 1.82 crore linked to the officials and their family members, along with documents related to immovable properties and businesses owned by them.
Additionally, 27 bank accounts connected to the officials and their associates were also uncovered.