Aizawl: Mizoram Chief Minister Pu Lalduhoma on Saturday released the book titled “Mizo History and the Great Chiefs of Sailo: Vandula & Ropuiliani.”
The book has been penned by four distinguished researchers from Mizoram University and published by Dr. Selbuanga Foundation.
The book delves into the rich history of the Sailo chiefs, with a particular focus on the legendary figures Vandula and Ropuiliani.
Launching the book, CM Pu Lalduhoma emphasized the difficulty in documenting Mizo history, citing the adoption of the Mizo alphabet in the early 1900s as a significant factor contributing to a scarcity of written records.
“Much of the Mizo’s history has been derived from British colonial narratives, which offers a limited or biased perspective,” he said.
He emphasized the importance of exploring pre-colonial history and developing narratives from a Mizo point of view.
“We have a vast history to uncover, especially from the pre-colonial era. Developing our own narratives, distinct from British interpretations, is a valuable challenge for researchers and enthusiasts today,” he stated.
The book delves into Chief Vandula’s lineage and explores his influence on the Mizo community.
The book also pays tribute to Ropuiliani, who after the death of her husband became a prominent figure in Mizo’s resistance against British colonial rule.
The book highlights her remarkable contributions in Denlung and surrounding villages.
Her unwavering resistance against British colonial rule ultimately led to her capture and subsequent imprisonment in Chittagong, where she remained until her demise in 1895.
The authors employed rigorous scientific research methodologies, meticulously gathering information from both written records and oral traditions within and outside Mizoram.
Dr. Hmingthanzuali provided a preview of the book, while Dr. Laithangpuii, one of the co-authors, presented a concise report on their findings.
The event was graced by the presence of the grandchildren of Vandula and Ropuiliani, as well as descendants of Lalsavunga, Ropuiliani’s father and former chief of Aizawl.
Ropuiliani holds the distinction of being the first recorded female chief in Mizo history during the late 19th century. Born in 1828 to Chief Lalsavunga of Aizawl, she married Vandula, the chief of Ralvawng.
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Following her husband’s death in 1889, she became the chieftess of Denlung and eight other villages near present-day Hnahthial in southern Mizoram. She resolutely refused to acknowledge British supremacy and inspired other chiefs to join the resistance.